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Community School for Creative Education

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Race & Ethnicity


3301 e12th stoakland, CA 94601 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Community School for Creative Education (CSCE) designers are a cross-cultural team of educators, community leaders, youth developers, and parents committed to bringing excellence and equity in public school education to the students and families of San Antonio/East Oakland. Our initiative draws upon decades of experience in experiential education, project-based learning, multicultural education, Waldorf education and environmental education.


What will the school be like?

This mold-breaking charter school will integrate the educational visions of local families, best practices in equitable education, and adapted Waldorf practice. The result will be a community-responsive, culturally-relevant learning environment that is grounded in developmentally-appropriate, arts-rich, and project-based methods. We will help each child succeed academically, meeting or exceeding California State standards, while encouraging a balanced expression of each child's unique talents and leadership abilities. Instruction will interweave the intellectual, emotional, cultural, and practical facets of human development while fostering in students a deep and imaginative love of learning and a strong sense of self and community.

Who will the school serve?

The CSCE intends to primarily serve the ethnically, culturally and socio-economically diverse communities of East Oakland and surrounding neighborhoods. We are hoping to locate the school in Oakland's vibrant Fruitvale/San Antonio community. Specifically, CSCE aims to enroll any student -- gifted and talented, special education, high achieving, at-risk, English Language Learners or "average" -- who is better served by a small, arts-infused learning environment that emphasizes rigorous, authentic, experiential, participatory, culturally-relevant, and project-based education. It is possible that the school will also admit a small percentage of students from other parts of Oakland.

What grades will the school offer?

CSCE aims to serve pre-kindergarten through eighth grade (pre-K - 8th) though we will start as a K-3rd school. We also hope to partner with one or more mission-aligned neighborhood high schools, thereby offering a complete K-12 pathway within walking distance from home for the families of the community.


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