Reach for Tomorrow, Inc.
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
13888 Lewis Mill WayChantilly, VA 20151 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Reach For Tomorrow is a multi-year program for C-average or at-risk, inner-city high school kids (who often fall through the cracks) that starts at the end of 8th grade. Realizing that starting early with motivating students and working with 8th and 9th graders who have potential, Reach For Tomorrow aims to motivate at-risk students all the way through high school--ultimately giving them a shot at going to college/university or a military academy. The mission is to open the eyes of the nation's youth to the possibilities of the future using relevant role models who embrace the character traits and academic requirements necessary to be successful. The goals are to improve the three A's of academics; attitude, attendance, and achievement.
The formula for Reach For Tomorrow's programs is quite simple -- through a motivational summer trip at the end of 8th grade, students spend a week during the summer with military cadets or university students from their own socioeconomic background. Often this is the student's first time away from home or on a campus. During this trip, the students get the chance to fly planes, sail ships, and do some college level work, with inspiration from special guest speakers. After the trip, and with consistent interaction with a local volunteer mentor throughout high school, each student is guided and mentored toward improving their life over these four critical years.