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Walkway Over the Hudson

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Environment


P.O. Box 88982 Washington Street Suite 300Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Walkway Over the Hudson is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization founded in 1992. Our mission is to inspire people to connect to the beauty of the Hudson Valley through long-term stewardship of the Walkway Over the Hudson State Historic Park and support of the regional trail system, which offer public enjoyment of the bridge's historic architecture, the scenic wonders of the Hudson River Valley and the diversity of its recreational and cultural activities.


As a member-based not-for-profit, Walkway Over the Hudson depends on volunteers to ensure our visitor's Park experience is the best it can be. Walkway is recruiting and training a core group of volunteers to become on-site educators, assist with special events, serve as tour leaders for special interest groups, provide logistical support and welcome visitors to the Walkway. The Ambassador Program is building skills in key areas such as History & Technology, Nature & the Environment, Recreation & Fitness, and Educational & School activities. We also need volunteers for one day events, such as our annual Mayfest and Fourth of July events.

Please learn more about our ongoing volunteer opportunities on our website: walkway.org/volunteer


Would you recommend Walkway Over the Hudson?
1 review Write a review
by Tyler H. (March 13, 2011)
Overall It's a great Organization to volunteer for. It's a great place to spend two hours on the weekend and get fresh air with a great view.

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