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Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities
  • Sports & Recreation


2365George Urban BlvdDepew, NY 14043 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Danceability is an individualized dance, fitness and movement program serving the special needs community. Our studio is led by qualified staff and dedicated volunteers who create a nurturing environment that empowers our students to flourish and grow while promoting a healthy lifestyle...and we have a little fun along the way.


Danceability is a dance and movement program for children and adults with special needs. Our dancers are challenged with disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, mental retardation, learning disabilities, ADHD, and psychiatric disorders. Dancers attend class once a week from September to May. The first half of the season focuses on learning dance technique, building friendships, playing games and having fun. the second half of the year is preparation for our annual performance; learning a choreographed routine, getting a costume and rehearsing on stage. Dancers who need help are assisted by volunteers, so that parents and staff can relax in our waiting room. Families are encouraged to utilize the time their children are in class to relax, swap resources, vent and socialize with other families as a mini-respite for themselves.

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