Matungu community development charity.
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Environment
- Hunger
- Women
66 koyonzo -mumiasNairobi, western +254Kenya KenyaOrganization Information
Mission Statement
The Matungu Community Development Charity is a registered CBO located in Munami, Kenya that seeks to improve the welfare and livelihoods of the larger community in which it operates. It plans and implements charity projects in the community. The organization is funded by individuals from around the world who support our charitable work financially through the website Click on the projects link above to learn more about our activities.
History of the Group
The group was registered as a Self Help Group with the Government of Kenya’s Ministry of Culture and Social Services by Vincent Atitwa in 2005 and originally called 'Brother’s Self Help Group’. Vincent, the founder of the group, is a native of Munami who studied water engineering in Nairobi before returning to his community. In Nairobi, Vincent saw how urban Community Organizations were helping alleviate poverty, which inspired him to found Brothers Self Help Group when he returned home to Matungu district. From its inception, the group’s vision was to help improve the livelihoods of members, but they understood that their livelihoods were not separate from the livelihood of the greater community.
In 2010/2011, the group was assessed by an independent consultant that recommended the group separate into two distinct entities: a charitable organization which would be registered as a Community Based Organization and an income generating organization which would be registered as a co-operative. This consultant also recommended that the group re-name itself in a gender neutral fashion, since 'Brothers’ implied that the organization’s membership consisted solely of men, which was not and is not the case.
On Mar. 5/2011 at a General Membership Meeting, the group decided to split into two distinct entities, a co-operative and a Community Based Organization. The name of the latter was changed to the Matungu Community Development Charity.
The organization is headed by a management board that includes the chairperson, secretary, treasurer, organizing secretary and charitable commissioner. The management is elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting on a bi-annual basis. Membership is open to any member of the community who satisfies the minimum requirements for membership as laid out in the bylaws of the organization. Matungu Community Development Charity is committed to a policy of non-discrimination based on race, gender, physical disability, literacy or economic standing in its membership application process.
The charity has sought out volunteer help from Kenya and abroad to help in the design of its management structure and its fundraising techniques. It has also sought out and received volunteers who have provided training in the use of internet and computers, marketing and HIV/AIDS prevention. To inquire about becoming a volunteer with Matungu Community Development Charity, send an email to us with the subject line 'volunteer opportunity?’ You can find our email on the Location and Contact section of this web site.