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Meals on Wheels of Alameda County (MOWAC)

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Hunger
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


1721 Broadway201Oakland, CA 94612 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Meals on Wheels of Alameda County (MOWAC) financially assists five County Meals on Wheels (MOW) in feeding seniors. Each delivery day, 2,700 low-income, homebound seniors in Alameda County receive not only nutritious meals, but also warm smiles, companionship and safety/wellness checks from staff and volunteers of six local MOW service providers. Sometimes MOW delivery drivers are the only people our senior neighbors get to interact with all day. MOW is so much more than food for the body; it’s also the food of kindness to the soul. MOW gives our senior neighbors a helping hand and the care and compassion all human beings deserve. MOW enables them to retain their independence and stay in their homes, where they want to be. Without support from MOWAC, local MOW programs would have to decrease their service level, seniors in need would be placed on waiting lists and some programs would have to close their doors entirely. In short, MOWAC staves off senior hunger in Alameda County.



  • 1 in 6 seniors--our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles--goes hungry each day.
  • Locally, 2/3 of our clients are over the age of 75 and 1/3 are over 85.
  • More than 1/2 live alone making isolation, loneliness and depression extremely common.
  • 1/3 are recuperating from a recent hospital stay.
  • Most are living with some chronic condition that impacts their ability to do basic daily activities (i.e., shopping, cooking, etc.) and limits their mobility.
  • The vast majority live at or below the poverty line.
  • 60% of senior women face hunger.
  • More younger seniors under 70 are currently facing hunger.
  • African American seniors are 132% more likely to face hunger than there white counterparts. Hispanic seniors are 131% more likelfy to face hunger than non-Hispanic seniors.
  • Hunger threat for divorced/separated seniors is two and a half times greater than for married seniors. The threat greatly increases if the senior is raising their grandchild.

For a total cost of $9 per meal, homebound seniors can receive daily nutritious meals.


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