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Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture


PO Box 012100Miami, FL 33130 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

BRAVO (Business & Retired Arts Volunteers) is a program that strengthens the management of Miami-Dade non-profit arts and cultural organizations by engaging business professionals to work as volunteer management consultants. BRAVO consultants will provide professional guidance to arts managers and their boards, successfully completing projects in financial and strategic planning, marketing, information technology, and other areas.


South Florida is home to thousands of vibrant and active boomers and retirees who are searching for meaningful ways to get involved in the community. Highly successful and educated retiring baby boomers are interested in finding significant and rewarding opportunities to share their business skills learned over a lifetime. BRAVO is a network of programs that tap the experience, skills, willingness and talents of retired professionals and older citizens to meet the ever increasing challenges in the arts.

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