The Phoenix Woman, Inc.

Cause Area

  • Computers & Technology
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine
  • Veterans & Military Families
  • Women


218 S. Easton RdGlenside, PA 19038 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To empower and develop the values of spiritual consciousness, professional enhancement, and personal growth in evolving women.


Founder’s Statement

The Legend of the Phoenix says that the Phoenix is a mythological bird adopted by various cultures. The Phoenix had brilliant gold, red, and purple feathers and was depicted as a peacock or a bird similar to an eagle. Only one Phoenix can exist at a time and when this Phoenix feels its end coming, it builds a nest. The rays of the sun ignite the nest and the Phoenix is then consumed in flames and is reduced to ashes. From the ashes, the Phoenix rises from the nest with renewed youth and beauty. This process is compared to the rising and setting of the sun.

The story of the Phoenix, quite certainly, represents us as women who, in many stages of our lives, experience the burning flames of difficulties such as divorce, death of loved ones, illness, family conflict, financial lack or loss, career uncertainty, or lack of direction. Many times the fires of despair, depression, worry, confusion, and grief consume us.

My intention is that through this organization that we women can become like the legendary Phoenix and rise from the ashes of our difficulties, and gain strength, knowledge, support, and inspiration so that we are never defeated by the fires of life’s experiences, but that we learn and practice the way of the Phoenix, to rise-always to rise-from the ashes of our tribulations; to learn, transform and be elevated by each and every adversity we may experience. And like the Phoenix, we begin to cultivate "a thousand friends" with unlimited diversity and a singular vision: to live in harmony and support of one another, so that we may know that although the flames of life may burn us, we never have to rise from the ashes alone.

What is to come for the Phoenix Woman? A place where we can gather and learn and grow together. This will be The Phoenix Woman’s Institute. There will be classes, workshops, seminars, and, a place just for you to sit, and meditate, and be comforted in the place "of a thousand friends." I look forward to you joining with me in this new flight. And may we rise--always rise --together.

Valerie K. Ginyard, Ph.D.



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