Rock n Roll Las Vegas Run Series
Cause Area
- Community
- Health & Medicine
- Seniors
- Sports & Recreation
- Women
9477 Waples Street, Suite 150San Diego, CA 92121 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The Race Crew team of volunteers is dedicated to assisting participants from all walks of life in their pursuit of completing an endurance event. Race Crew volunteers assist with nearly every aspect of an event, and truly are the backbone of the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series.
The Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series is a national collection of musically themed running events that provides an avenue for runners and walkers alike to challenge themselves physically, emotionally and mentally, all while improving their lives and raising money to improve the lives of others. Over the last thirteen years, Rock 'n' Roll Marathon Series partner charities have raised over $246 million (net) for their respective causes.
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2 reviews
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(January 18, 2016)
What a fun group of people! I worked the medical tent and absolutely loved it! I will be volunteering again next year, and I'm looking forward to it
(July 8, 2013)
Fun and quick way to gain needed community service hours. Lots of free stuff because of all the vendors. Volunteer for the second half and companies give you extra stuff.