The People Who Care Project

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


P.O. Box 23855Washington, DC 20026 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

OUR MISSION is tocreate and sustain interdependent cooperative agencies which serve and empower the economically disadvantaged, socially unstable and homeless population, guiding them to economic efficiency, social stability and productivity as members of their community and society at large.


EMERGENCY FOOD: As emergency service providers we operate a mobile soup kitchen. The members of our organization are all volunteers who provide direct service through "Love’s Kitchen" a mobile soup kitchen which serves the homeless population.

We don’t believe that the homeless population should be served second hand food, vilified or marginalized due to their circumstances. We believe that the homeless and low income population if given guidance, vision, chance and opportunity will create a more positive impact on their lives and community.

TEMPORARY HOUSING: One of the greatest challenges confronting homeless individuals and families is finding and maintaining affordable housing. In 2010 providing affordable housing to our neighbors will be one of our essential agendas. According to a report produced by The National Alliance to End Homelessness, 44% of the homeless population lives unsheltered.

With the proper financial support The People Who Care Project aims is to supply housing as a component of our mission/vision to help the poor and homeless to become more productive and competent contributing members of their community.

SUSTAINABLE LIVING: Although a extreme necessity, homeless shelters as well as soup kitchens are both needed, but temporary solutions to an ongoing problem. We recognize the necessity of both emergency and long term solutions.

Our vision is to create and encourage an environment where the homeless and economically disadvantaged can become an effectual part of their own change. Historically in Judaic culture, the people had an agricultural community to provide, house and sustain the poor.

In 2011 we seek to lease or obtain rural land to create a pilot community entitled "Restoration Village Retreat Center" which will serve the needs of the homeless through a 30 month program which will house the homeless, teach fishing, cooking and teach those unable to read. We also plan to train them to build small homes and develop agricultural systems which will serve to feed themselves and other community soup kitchens and homes for the poor. This endeavor will redevelop their lives in a positive light and serve as a true template to ending homelessness.


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