Cause Area

  • Animals
  • Environment


RR 1, Box 249 XJacksboro, Tx 76458 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Be it known that the intent and purpose of ANIMAL ANGELS is to enrich the lives of our animal friends who may be without shelter, food, care or love. We commit to assist these needy, regardless of age, natural beauty or condition and find them temporary and permanent homes. Any resources obtained by ANIMAL ANGELS will be used for the benefit of these creatures only and no profit is sought except the comfort of the animals we assist.


ANIMAL ANGELS relocated to our present facility in July of last year. We are situated on 20 acres and provide sanctuary to dogs that are, for one reason or another, deemed to be un-adoptable. Among these are very old dogs that still enjoy a very good quailty of life, animals that have been injured and have an infirmity of some kind, ie missing limbs, deafness, feral dogs that while not dangerous, have never been socialized. These animals are welcome to live their lives out here. We presently have eight compounds of varying sizes. The three largest boast inside shelter. One of these has a large stock tank and all have lots of trees for shade and rocks for the animals to climb on. All compounds have Dogloos and the entire area is surrounded by 6 ft. chain link fence. There is someone here every night and day. Animals are placed in compounds according to size, personality and age. Smaller dogs are kept in the living quarters and older dogs are kept in barn that the living quarters share. Presently, we have 87 dogs, one cat and one chicken. The cat & chicken were rescued. Chicken Little had a broken leg that is almost healed. We will find a place for her when she is able. Our resident cat lives in "cat only" part of living quarters. We only have facilities for dogs but we rescue anything that is in need & network with other rescue organizations for cats, birds, etc. In the future, we hope to be able to provide sanctuary to larger animals such as horses, goats, farm animals, etc.

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