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AccentCare Hospice

Cause Area

  • Health & Medicine


27355 John R RoadMadison Heights, MI 48071 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

MISSION Honoring Life ~ Offering Hope VISION Recognize that individuals and famlies are the true experts in their own care. Support our staff so they can put our patients and families first. Find creative solutions which add quality to life. Strive for excellence beyond accepted standards. Increase the community's awareness of hospice as part of the continiumn of care.


AccentCare Hospice and Palliative Care, formerly Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care provides hospice and palliative care to those with a life-limiting illness. Our team of physicians, registered nurses, social workers, spiritual care providers, hospice aides, trained volunteers and bereavement counselors use an interdisciplinary approach to address the physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs of the patients and families we serve.


  • We promise to enhance the quality of time by managing pain and other symptoms that can dimish the character of a patient's remaining days, weeks, and months. And we promise that our patients and families will not feel alone.


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