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Bridge Disability Ministries

Cause Area

  • Faith-Based
  • People with Disabilities


12356 Northup Way, Suite 103Bellevue, WA 98005 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Because Bridge Disability Ministries honors the God-given dignity and giftedness of people living with disabilities, we build relationships to alleviate isolation and enrich our churches and community.


MEETING THE NEEDS....What Bridge Disability Ministries does to assist people living with physical and/or developmental disabilities, their family or care givers, services may include:

Spiritual Connections - staff and volunteers in partnership with local churches and other community groups provide social activities, support groups meetngs and retreats for adults living with developmental & physical disabilities. These programs facilitate spiritual companionship and supportive relationships contributing to a sense of belonging and encouragement.

Mobility Medical Equipment - Through the efforts of a dedicated team of staff, volunteers, and caring members of the community who donate mobility medical equipment items such as wheelchairs and walkers, we are able to provide refurbished equipment to people in need regardless of ability to pay.

Guardianship Services - Bridge serves as legal guardian for 38 people, who have developmental disabilities, little or no support from family, and limited financial resources. This loving oversight enables them to live in the community rather than being institutionalized, and ensures quality of life.

Bridge is a 501(c)(3) non-profit ministry supported by contributions from individuals, churches, businesses, grantors, service groups, and special fund-raisers. We are ecumenical and welcome people of all faith and philosophical persuasions to participate in our programs.


Would you recommend Bridge Disability Ministries?
4 reviews Write a review
by sonali s. (October 7, 2013)
I love doing volunteer work for Bridge Disability Ministries.Currently i am Volunteering as a Volunteer Coordinator Assistant,helping with volunteer application process.Its been almost 4 months now and i am loving each and every minute of it. Linda Martin is always ready to train you in anyway possible.She is flexible with the schedule and always open to adjust the work as per your availability.The staff at Bridge is really great and very friendly.There are plenty of opportunities for all the different work areas.It is real pleasure to volunteer at bridge and I would recommend anyone who is seeking to volunteer Bridge Ministries is the place for you.
by anu s. (April 20, 2013)
Among the variety of things I did was assisting with online newsletters, creating online documents, making phone calls, editing event photos, data entry and much more! Linda Martin is always willing to train and help in any way to make the volunteering an enriching and rewarding experience. There is plenty of opportunity to help in both the front lines at their monthly services and the Mobility office (where you meet people who benefit from the free equipment Bridge provides) and behind the scenes assisting with admin. work. The people at Bridge are deeply committed to their work and to the people they serve. It was a pleasure to volunteer there.
by Jeri A. (March 25, 2012)
I love doing volunteer work for Bridge Disability Ministries. I currently am doing reminder calls to families to remind them of the upcoming events that Bridge Ministries has on their current calendar. Giving information, times, dates, etc. I am going into my 2nd year! I really enjoy doing this and on some occasions, I actually attend the events to volunteer with whatever or wherever help is needed. The events are fun and heartfelt. The staff at Bridge is awesome and very organized and I would recommend anyone who is seeking to volunteer and build friendships with different leaders, families and caregivers, Bridge Ministries is the place for you. It is awesome! I look forward to many more years volunteering.
by claudia c. (March 20, 2012)
Bridge Disability Ministries has provided outstanding services to the elderly, and the disabled senior citizens. I volunteered with them for 7 months, and I have been a part of a carying, loving organization that reaches out to clients; and provides them with fun activities. I would recommend Bridge Disability ministries to everyone who wants to dedicate their time and effort with this agency. So please feel free to call them to volunteer, help is really appreciated. Thank You

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