
Cause Area

  • Board Development
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Faith-Based
  • Women


1477 Columbine StreetDenver, CO 80206 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

MISSION: The mission of Take2 is to equip women who are released from prison with both the knowledge and the wisdom to enter back into the free world with a renewed purpose and hope.


VISION: 1. Take2 will focus on developing their knowledge and ability of how to take care of themselves, and eventually their families, on a practical level by ensuring they will be taught and given opportunities to learn basic life skills when it comes to dealing with the day in and day out duties of life. 2. Take2 will also teach basic career skills that will prepare the women to not only find a job but understand the benefits that come from working: living off what you make and the confidence that they will experience when they are valued and bring value to their workplace. 3. Lastly, Take2 will integrate a Biblical worldview of who they are and their role in society on both a macro and micro level (God's redemptive plan for all creation and for their own life) in all they do because we believe if they know who they are and why they exist, it will empower them to take a new outlook on their past, present, and future. We will do the above by providing housing upon release, courses in: career development, life skills (personal financing and developing healthy relationships), Biblical Worldview. We have also developed partnerships with Denver Rescue Mission for following up and DenverWorks for job placement. The women will also have mentors to assist them in creating weekly time management plans.

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