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Friends of Tanzania

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Education & Literacy
  • Health & Medicine
  • International
  • Women


P.O. Box 9123Arlington, VA 22219 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Friends of Tanzania supports Tanzania by bringing together those who have served in Tanzania -- volunteers, travellers and or business people -- all who love the country and its people and wish to give back to Tanzania. FOT sponsors projects there and keeps members and those interested informed on the life, culture and development of Tanzania.


Friends of Tanzania (FOT) was founded in 1991 by returned Peace Corps Volunteers. After 17 years, there are 350 members from all over the USA and abroad. While many are returned Peace Corps Volunteers, there are now many who are from other organization who served there, tourists and those formerly employed there. Our Board of Directors is from all over the USA, but most are in the Washington D.C. area. In 2008, we funded 18 projects of many types all over Tanzania for a total of $47,160. We have events in the Washington D.C. area and prepare two newsletters a year and have a website www.FOTanzania.org. Please review it for current information on Products of Tanzania available in the USA and Volunteer Opportunities in Tanzania.


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