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The Toby Center for Family Transitions

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Justice & Legal
  • Veterans & Military Families
  • Women


Suite 306A100 E. Linton AvenueDelray Beach, FL 33483 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

THE TOBY CENTER MISSION IS TO: improve child outcomes when parents separate. Our primary service is supervised visitation where a trained, neutral party will faciliate and monitor the interactions between a child(ren) and their parent who is assured by court order of time to be with their children. Additionally, the Toby Centers provide mulitple child centered services including neutral child exchange, family mediation, parent coordination, counseling, parent support groups, co-parenting planning, and state mandated parent education for divorcing parents.


The Toby Center provides vital information, education and support services for parents, children, employers,policy makers and family professionals assisting individuals in the throes of divorce and other family changes.

Areas of focus include:

Individual and Family Services including family court mediation, supervised visitation, neutral child drop off and pickup, shared parenting guidance, life and family law coaching;

Professional and Workplace Training including consultations to maximize productivity and minimize stress, teach skills to minimize conflict along diverse cultural, ethnic and racial divides, provide skills to improve customer relationships;

Training and Workshops on love relationships, parenting after divorce, parental alienation and building resiliency through personal change and transition.


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