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Catholic Community Volunteer Services of SW Washington

Cause Area

  • Community
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors


1323 S. Yakima AveTacoma, WA 98405 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

At Catholic Community Services we believe every child should grow up in a safe, loving and nurturing environment. The elderly should be able to live with security and dignity. A healthy family life should be affirmed and supported in our communities. Compassion, love and respect for all people, especially the poor and most vulnerable. In joining with others to change systems that oppress, discriminate or otherwise cause human suffering. Employees and volunteers should work in an environment that fosters respect, teamwork and excellence. In all of these things for all people, whatever their color, whatever language they speak or however they worship.


Volunteer Services provides low-income adults (anyone 18 years old or older) who have temporary or permanent functional disabilities, including those associated with aging. The people we serve can not afford to purchase the kinds of service we provide, do not qualify for assistance from other sources and do not have family or friends available to help them. Service is provided on an as-volunteers-are-available basis. There are never any fees for the services provided.


Would you recommend Catholic Community Volunteer Services of SW Washington?
1 review Write a review
by Magaly R. (December 19, 2016)
I wouldn't believe that Catholics in US help each other making volunteering internships. It would be an honor for me to help.

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