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Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM)

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Hunger


110 McCulloughSan Antonio, TX 78215 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To share the love of Christ by providing immediate assistance and encouragement to people in crisis.


CAM is a 36 year old nonprofit serving 50,000 people annually by providing immediate assistance and encouragement to people in crisis. CAM is often a first stop along the social service continuum and acts much like a triage for clients stabilizing them so that they can avoid further crisis or getting them connected to long term supports. CAM provides food (32,000 receive food annually from CAM), clothing, hygiene items, prescription medication assistance, and financial assistance for ID recovery/birth certificates, help with rent and utilities, transportation to medical appointments or work as well as other miscellaneous support. Our clients are often mentally ill, physically ill, working poor families, veterans, senior citizens, homeless and 13,000 are children; they are from all over San Antonio. CAM may be the only place that will help and often is the only place that can provide the immediate assistance that is often so badly needed. CAM does this with a team of 200 volunteers, donations, financial support from churches, businesses and individuals and with no government support.


Would you recommend Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM)?
4 reviews Write a review
by Giulianna G. from san antonio, TX (January 17, 2021)
The people were really nice, and it made me feel happy to help out others in need.
by Rebecca W. (May 14, 2014)
CAM is a wonderful ministry! They give those in need help and dignity while they are going through tough times. Additionally, you can meet and make street friends with their daily sack lunch offering to the homeless. If I had the opportunity, I would commit more of my time there. Please consider joining this ministry - it is such a blessing to be a part of!
by First l. from TX (January 25, 2014)
I wanted to try something new. Its fast paced but pretty easy to volunteer at. Very rewarding. You can work making lunches for the homeless, Helping cloth them, get kids shoes to wear etc. I like talking to the may people that they help there. Thats what I enjoy the most. If you can't volunteer you can always donate. They need may things. Shoes, jackets, food, diapers, shampoos etc.

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