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Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Hunger
  • People with Disabilities
  • Seniors
  • Veterans & Military Families


515 South Haven StBaltimore, MD 21224 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

To enable people to live independently at home through the provision of nutritious meals, personal contact, and related services.


Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland provides two nutritious meals daily to homebound persons living in Baltimore City and Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Harford, Montgomery, Pronce George's, and Howard Counties. Volunteers provide friendly and compassionate meal delivery service to our clients. Related services include grocery shopping, pet food, and phone call programs.

What does homebound mean? Our clients are unable to prepare meals or shop for themselves. Most of clients are elderly. Other clients may be disabled, ill or recovering from major medical procedures.

Are there income restrictions on service? No. Anyone who meets the definition of homebound may be eligible for service.

Is meal service free? Some clients do receive free meal service, however most clients pay a small fee. We determine how much our clients pay by assesing all forms of income.

Why do we rely on volunteers? Since it's start in 1960, Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland has been a volunteer supported agency. Volunteers truly provide the heart of our agency. They really care about what they do and support our mission. Without our volunteers, paid staff would deliver over 3,000 meals a day! This would make our services more costly and less personal.


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