Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
- Seniors
901 E. 8th AveSuite 200King of Prussia, PA 19406 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
RSVP improves the lives of vulnerable populations in local communities by focusing on education and wellness and by supporting nonprofits through skill-based volunteer programs. Now serving Montgomery, Delaware, Chester and Philadelphia Counties, PA.
RSVP, established in 1973, provides meaningful ways for adults to utilize their skills and passions to help meet community needs.
RSVP's Volunteer Impact Programs focus on the needs of vulnerable populations including disadvantaged preschool children, at-risk youth, the elderly, those with low literacy skills, struggling nonprofit organizations and many other exciting volunteer opportunities in our community
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5 reviews
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This volunteer idea is wonderful. It is a great way to keep teaching children since some of them are not attending school with everything thing going on these days.

I never got a response from them

It’s a great way to serve the community you live in and get more knowledgeable of those around you. If you have skills, you should use that skills to help other rather than doing nothing.

They really make an effort to match me with organizations that can use my skills and that fit my requirements. The staff is friendly and sincere.

It is a well organized organization and has connected me with the best volunteer options for my skill set.