Cause Area
- Animals
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- People with Disabilities
48 BLUE AGAVECERRILLOS, NM 87010 United StatesWebsite:
http://www.mylittlehorselistener.orgOrganization Information
Mission Statement
My Little Horse Listener provides a creative, supportive and mutually beneficial learning environment between miniature equines and individuals or families going through difficult times.
My Little Horse Listener (MLHL) began as a literacy program, encouraging young, hesitant or struggling readers to read to our mini horses (who are excellent listeners). Over the years, MLHL has evolved into an equine assisted learning program that primarily serves children. Those children tend to be among the most vulnerable kids in our community--they are children who are facing some of life's toughest struggles. Those struggles include domestic abuse, family substance abuse, catastrophic illnesses and more. Our mini equines are intuitive, gentle and curious. We tailor each visit to the equines to the child's needs. One example is of a child who had not spoken in a long time due to trauma. Gradually, working with one little mule, this boy started to feed and walk with it. And eventually, the boy even started to talk to Mellie the Mule. We have so many success stories like that!