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Having Kids INC

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Employment
  • Environment
  • Justice & Legal
  • Women


5451 N Waterfield Dr, Tucson, AZ 85750Tucson, AZ 85750 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Problem: Family planning in the world today is based upon a parent-centered and isolationist model that hurts children, families, communities, and our environment. That model prevents the realization of freedom and is the fundamental source of our social and ecological crises. That model is the product of governments and businesses that profit from population growth, want to avoid collective obligations that require investing in rather than exploiting future generations, and who helped eliminate the responsibilities inherent in having kids as a means of accelerating growth.


We believe theories of change should be specific. Our theory is that the social justice community is using a flawed family planning model - the isolation model - that undercuts the shared mission of the community. We create change by using a variety of tactics. We mostly rely on financial entitlements that ensure parental delay, readiness, and smaller families. But our tactics also include truth and reconciliation via our #TellTheTruth Campaign and public role modeling via our Trolley Track campaign - to replace the isolation model with the child-first Fair Start model at cultural, institutional, and legal levels, allowing the new models to then be implemented and scaled up by the community. We oppose all forms of violence, and urge the realization of Fair Start through peaceful action only.


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