Cause Area
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
- Seniors
- Veterans & Military Families
19810 Governors HwyFlossmoor, IL 60422 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Guided by the belief in affirming life, Oasis Foundation supports and helps to fulfill the heart desires of patients and their families as they deal with life-limiting illnesses. We utilize our resources to make meaningful differences in patients’ lives.
Oasis Foundation operates as a fund that sponsors social services for community members. Under the foundation, Oasis has six funds: Education, Wellbeing, Transportation, Funeral, Community, and Heart’s Desires.
We utilize our knowledge and resources to ensure that the community we serve is at the center of every decision we make. This ensures that every action we take is deeply rooted in the perspective of human rights, social justice, and equity.
We believe in the dignity of each person, as each human life carries immeasurable value.