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Chicktime TX- Mission

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Crisis Support


3780 N Bentzen Palm Dr.Mission, TX 78574 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Chicktime encourages women to develop their passions and use their gifts to make the world a better place for the next generations.


Chicktime chapters are planted in local women and children's home. Chicktime Mission's chapter is a little different as we support families who provide stable homes for children in our community by lining up a fun evening for them to come hang out and relax, laugh and get the support they need and deserve! We partner with Rio Grande Children's Home.
We are looking for compassionate people to help us! Please visit our website at chicktime.com and go to established chapters and click on TX-Mission chapter to find out more about us or reach out to Julie at 956-595-0409


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