Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Education & Literacy
6141 S FRANKLIN RDINDIANAPOLIS, IN 46259 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to have a positive impact on our community by supporting, enhancing, and creating unlimited educational opportunities in the public schools of Franklin Township.
Our Vision is focused on the children attending Franklin Township Community Schools. Our dynamic community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization seeks to improve the opportunities for learning and achievement while enhancing the quality of life of our community.
Our History began in November of 1996 with a start-up grant of $44,000 from the Central Indiana Community Foundation and a match from the Lilly Endowment. The Education Foundation receives no funds from the Franklin Township Community School Corporation. FTEF is a separate entity, incorporated and with its own tax ID number relying on fundraising and donations to support our mission. Since its inception, the FTEF has awarded over $650,000 in grants and program support for projects not covered by the school’s operating budget. Over 100,000 students have been touched by programs the FTEF sponsored.
Our Board of Directors are volunteers and FTEF has a staff of one and comprised of former educators, a former FTCSC school Board member, bankers, attorneys, community business leaders and parents. Each member is dedicated to the success of the students attending Franklin Township Community Schools. The FTEF Board of Directors dedicate countless hours their time and 100% of the Board members make a financial contribution, as well.