Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Computers & Technology
- Education & Literacy
- Seniors
71 PALM STNEWARK, NJ 07106 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To improve and enrich the lives of the residents, by proving a safe and healthy environment. To improve the quality of life in our neighborhood through parks, maintenance, beautification, advocacy and free public events. Bridging the gap between community and residents by ensuring access to children through outdoor leisure, athletic and/or recreational activities and facilities included but not limited to cultural and educational activities.
I have always been a strong advocate for the urban community. I took the initiative to champion our community park, once considered the forgotten park, Vailsburg Park. For several years, I have proudly served hot meals to seniors in private homes regardless of their housing situation. I actively work to provide essential resources to those with or without addresses. I hosted coats, clothes and filled book bag giveaway events, free Microsoft 365 computer technology class. looking ahead we are gearing up for our second annual Autistic Awareness Event and walk or run the track fundraiser, and the continuation of a Microsoft 365 Computer Class free in 2025, I am committed to making a impact in our community.