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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Education & Literacy
  • Employment
  • Faith-Based
  • People with Disabilities


1040 N POST RDINDIANAPOLIS, IN 46219 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

God’s Embrace is a God-centered educational and vocational community that teaches the dignity of work, building relationships between our community and the greater community. Designed to give each adult person with different abilities a safe, supportive, purposeful opportunity to fulfill God’s will for them. To give dignity and purpose to adults with different abilities in order to achieve their greatest potential.


God’s Embrace, a 501(c)3 non profit organization, has been a passion project in the making for Colleen Simon, inspired by helping create a community for people like her daughter, Heather. Colleen aims to start changing other’s perceptions of the abilities of the special needs community by showcasing them inside of a coffee shop, one cup of coffee at a time. With the help of others who are passionate about what they do and compassionate towards those they serve, God’s Embrace will be a place where the special needs community can exercise their God Given talents. God’s Embrace has been made possible by those compassionate to our cause and supporting us through donations. If you would like to donate, you can go to our website GodsEmbraceIndy.org then Make A Donation page. Our initial endeavor is a coffee shop. We will be training and educating our team in the art of coffee making, cleaning and maintenance skills, financial skills, and effective communication with customers and each other. God’s Embrace will offer persons with disabilities unique experiences. Through this training, we hope our "apprentices" will gain independence through interdependence. Every day, we will start with a meeting at the "Prayer Wall". Our goal with the prayer wall is to encourage customers and staff alike to write down a prayer, knowing their prayer requests will be prayed for, and their praises celebrated.


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