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Maidu Museum and Historic Stie

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Education & Literacy


1970 Johnson Ranch DriveRoseville, CA 95661 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The mission of the Maidu Museum & Historic Site is to protect, preserve and interpret the cultural and natural heritage of the Maidu Historic Site and region, while providing programs, exhibits and services that stimulate visitor involvement, enjoyment, learning and support. Volunteers can help in a variety of ways including: Outreach, which involves tabling events and educating the public about the Museum and its mission. As a docent, which includes leading guided tours for schools, senior groups and other organizations. There are also potential opportunities to do restoration projects on our site. If you are interested, please contact Alexander Cammack at MMHS. ACammack@rosville.ca.us 916-774--5933"


The vision of the Maidu Museum and Historic Stie is to be a learning center where Maidu and other California Indians and communities can share family traditions and tribal culture with museum visitors, both young and old, and with other native people, as well as artistic, literary, land management and other contemporary achievements and the accurate and authentic portrayal of their past.


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