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New Alternatives for Children

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • People with Disabilities


825 7th AvenueNew York, NY 10019 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

NAC’s mission is to provide innovative high quality services in support of birth, foster, and adoptive families caring primarily for medically complex children. NAC’s mission includes children with severe physical, emotional, and behavioral challenges and developmental disabilities.


Since 1982, NAC has been providing comprehensive family support services to ensure that children with medical complexities don’t remain hospitalized beyond medical need, and are able to live and thrive at home.

NAC’s services enable children to remain in or to be returned to their families whenever possible or to be adopted by loving families. Working primarily with children whose birth families live in poverty, NAC’s continuum of services ensures that children’s physical, social, educational, recreational, medical, and mental healthcare needs are met. By supporting families NAC prevents lengthy stays in foster care, hospitals, or other institutions. NAC builds on family strengths, provides opportunities, and assists all family members in reaching for and achieving their potential.


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