Foundation for Humanity (FFH)
Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Environment
- Seniors
- Women
Nakabago, MukonoMukono, 256Uganda Uganda
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To improve the lives of disadvantaged older persons, youth and marginalized groups to attain good health and prosperity.
Foundation for Humanity was founded in 2020 and legally registered in 2022. We envision a better today for older persons, vulnerable youth and other marginalized groups in Uganda and the East African Region. Our work is aligned to three focus program areas namely; i) economic empowerment ii) health iii) climate change and resilience. Below are the organization's overall objectives.
1. To improve the living conditions of older persons and youth through mobilization of resources to support their welfare.
2. To support access to socio-economic opportunities to advance livelihoods
3. To build the capacity of families to plan for and sustain their resources to lad decent and meaningful lives.
4. To strengthen the capacity of Foundation for Humanity to effectively execute its mandate and achieve its objectives.
Some key achievements include a physical office with supporting staff and a functional board of directors, conducting community outreach to seniors providing them with basic groceries and words of hope, mobilizing community members to support FFH causes, engaging and opening doors for young people for skilling, we have embarked on partnerships with like-minded organizations to strengthen our service base and capacity.