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Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Crisis Support
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing


111 HILLCREST DRIVE SUITE ASuite AEASLEY, SC 29640 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Dream Center is more than a building. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit that serves those in need with a hand up instead of a hand out by empowering them to grow towards becoming healthy and self-sufficient. The Dream Center’s residential program, The Opportunity Village, combines a comprehensive one-year program with a village of 21 tiny houses and 10 transitional houses. ​ The Dream Center exists to encourage, educate and empower people in need through the love of Jesus Christ.


The Dream Center offers hope and empowerment through education by providing free classes to the public. Class topics include parenting, budgeting, health, Bible study and more. Participants earn $8 Dream Dollars for each class attended. Free childcare is offered and requires 24 hours advanced notice. People walk into The Dream Center each day with many different needs: homelessness, hunger, unemployment, and many other crisis situations related to poverty. Intake Specialists are available to meet with them, listen to their story and determine an action plan specific to their crisis situation. We offer food boxes, showers, store vouchers and a change of clothing for emergency situations. Other resources that may be utilized include housing and employment assistance, or a referral to attend our free classes. The Opportunity Village is a residential program that loves and empowers women with community, personal and professional growth, employment and purpose on their path to restoration of health and self-sufficiency. The year-long, faith-based, residential program serves single women and women with children ages 11 and younger with proven, measurable success for long-term transformation for those that are ready and willing to receive guidance and work hard.


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