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Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision

Cause Area

  • Arts & Culture
  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • Environment


PO Box 442012Detroit, MI 48244 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision's mission is to work in coalition with residents, community organizations, schools and other community institutions, business and industry, and municipal agencies to improve the quality of life and eliminate pollution-related health impacts in Southwest Detroit and the region.


Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision (SDEV) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to improve the environment and strengthen the economy of Southwest Detroit through the partnership with residents, community organizations, government agencies, schools, businesses and industry to combat environmental issues, including air quality, blight (illegal dumping, graffiti, abandoned homes), and incompatible land use. SDEV is funded through memberships, individual and corporate donations, and grants. SDEV’s work would not be possible without the dedication of our community volunteers.

SDEV began in 1991 as a two-year project. Its purpose was to initiate a dialogue between Southwest Detroit’s business/industrial interests and community residents. The result was a community plan focused on four major topics:

  1. Abandoned buildings & illegal dumping;

  2. Air quality;

  3. Contaminated sites, and

  4. Land use.


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