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Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons (RECEWAPEC)

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights


NkwenBamendaBamenda, North West NULLCameroon Cameroon

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons in Cameroon (RECEWAPEC) mission is; To provide charitable services from voluntary skills to income generating activities that can enhance livelihood and alleviate poverty among old age people. To mobilize human resources (community nurses, social workers and volunteers in diverse fields) to adequately address issues of the elderly. To promote recreational and cultural activities with exchange visits between elderly groups and ageing individuals. To involve the elderly in a participatory and sustainable approach with income generating activities for lesser dependent living. To advocate to government for the integration of ageing and ageing gender through issues in the mainstream policies according to the united nation charter.


We started as a Common Initiative Group (CIG) known as the Regional Center for Human Welfare and Agro-Development (RECEHWEDEV) with a mission of helping elderly persons, families and communities in need. The organization was upgraded as an association following the Law of 1990 in Cameroon and later upgraded as a Non-Governmental Organization named the Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons in Cameroon (RECEWAPEC) in 2001. Since then, we’ve been working on promoting and protecting the welfare of ageing persons in Cameroon through activities aimed at improving their living conditions and our advocacy role has been instrumental in streamlining government policies in favor of old age peoples throughout the national territory.


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