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Father-con / see it end it film & arts festival

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth


1990 Avenida FelicianoRANCHO PALOS VERDES, CA 90275 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Mission: To bring a revival of the fundamental role of fatherhood to today’s family unit. Vision: To see loving, engaged fathers at the core of every family unit, and support for all those serving in the role of father figures


Born out of 8 years working on the prevention of human trafficking and cyber threats to children and seeing the link between the lack of father presence and attentiveness to vulnerability to traffickers and predators. Father-Con is not a men's organization but a fatherhood centered organization which highlights the significance and unique contributions of fathers in the development of children - how they see themselves and the world around them. We address through trainings, workshops and conferences the obstacles to healthy parenting such as pornography, education, and distraction, but also encourage a vision of fatherhood as the greatest source of our success as men. Whether biological fathers or in a father role, the Heart of the Father is to be aspired to and developed. In keeping with our mission and vision, we award 3 recipients per year with a Heart of the Father award.


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