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Cause Area

  • Community
  • Environment


3712 HOLLAND RDVIRGINIA BCH, VA 23452 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

LRNow’s mission is to ensure that every community in Virginia Beach has pure water, clean air and access to open spaces for recreation.


LRNow educates and guides businesses, faith communities and residents in the ways that they can be better stewards of our land and water. We also engage with students, teachers, and parents to build the environmental stewards of the future. We build oyster reefs, living shorelines, and plant trees and other native plants that are helping to make our water cleaner and our city more resilient. And we advocate for responsible policy decisions that will help us to preserve what we love about Virginia Beach for future generations. LRNow engages volunteers in all of the ways it works to protect and restore Virginia Beach's waterways.


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