Jefferson County Office for the Aging
Cause Area
- Community
- Seniors
175 Arsenal St2nd FloorWatertown, NY 13601 United States
Organization Information
Mission Statement
The general mission of the OFA is to enhance maximum independence and dignity for all individuals 60 and older capable of self-care in their own home. Our programs and services remove barriers to economic and personal independence by providing a continuum of care for the lower income/frail elderly in Jefferson County. As New York’s elder population has grown more diverse, our services also continue to evolve to better serve people of diverse cultures. This also means providing equal access to services for groups historically affected by discrimination and other social and economic factors, including those who have limited English proficiency (LEP).
The Older Americans Act of 1965 established the Federal Administration on Aging, the State Units on Aging and the Area Agencies on Aging. In Jefferson County, older citizens were drawn together by their common problems and began to organize and by 1972, a countywide steering committee called the Senior Action Council of Jefferson County was formed.
It was largely through the efforts of this group, the Community Action Planning Council, Catholic Charities of the Dioceses of Ogdensburg and other area churches that the Jefferson County Office for the Aging was established and open for business on January 1, 1974. Since then the Office has been serving citizens who are 60 years of age and older with a variety of programs.