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Rocky River United Methodist Church

Cause Area

  • Community
  • Emergency & Safety
  • Faith-Based
  • Homeless & Housing
  • Immigrants & Refugees


19414 Detroit RoadRocky River, OH 44116 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

At Rocky River United Methodist Church we just want you to know that we want to be a part of that story so that we can help you see Jesus right in the midst of it. Why do we exist? Why does RRUMC exist in this world? Why do we as RRUMC members and attendees exist? We exist for one reason. Are you ready? We exist to help people meet Jesus Christ in the midst of their story. It really is that simple. That should be the filter that we run every single thing we do at this church through. That simple sentence lets people know that we will take them right where they are at in their lives. They don’t have to figure it all out before they come to our church. Jesus is in the midst of their broken and messed up stories. Our church exists to help people meet Jesus in the midst of that story.


One of the ministries of Rocky River United Methodist Church is our Twice Blessed Free Store (TBFS), located at our Cleveland Campus at 9900 Madison Ave. TBFS is an outreach ministry that provides clothing, household items, and toiletries free of charge to families in need. Each week we offer 4 different volunteer opportunities - Tuesdays we clean up the store from Saturday shopping and stock it from the back stockroom, Wednesdays we meet on our Rocky River campus to sort and tag all the donations that we collected the previous week, Thursdays back at TBFS we take what we sorted and tagged on Wednesday and put them in our stock room and then on Saturday we open and run the store for our clients.


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