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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Children & Youth
  • Community


PO BOX 8476LOS ANGELES, CA 90008 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Jenesse Center’s mission is to restore families impacted by domestic and sexual violence through holistic, trauma informed, culturally responsive services, and advance prevention initiatives that foster and sustain healthy, violence free communities. We seek to prevent and end the cycle of domestic violence through education, public awareness and outreach initiatives, public policy and advocacy strategies, and innovative collaborations with key partners.


Founded in 1980, Jenesse Center is a nonprofit domestic violence intervention and prevention organization with a resolute mission: to restore, and provide trauma informed, culturally responsive, holistic, comprehensive services to survivors and families impacted by domestic and sexual violence, and to advance prevention modalities to sustain healthy and safe communities free of violence. Jenesse’s culturally sensitive programs and services not only transition families from crisis to self-sufficiency, but transforms the lives of its clients and the community at large by offering education, referrals and resources that go beyond shelter.

Jeneration J, Jenesse Center's Youth Program, provides a comprehensive dating violence intervention and prevention resource center exclusively for young people. Jeneration J serves as a culturally relevant outlet to engage young people in building healthy relationships and seeks to produce a generation of morally conscious leaders to advocate social change and create a culture without violence. Dating violence does not discriminate. Therefore, everyone has the right to a safe and healthy relationship.


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