American Lung Association Nevada
Cause Area
- Community
- Education & Literacy
- Health & Medicine
3552 W Cheyenne Ave130North Las Vegas, NV 89032 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Small Steps, Bold Strides Join us and turn small steps into bold strides toward a world without lung cancer and lung disease. Come out and experience the celebratory and welcoming atmosphere of a LUNG FORCE event. It doesn't matter how you roll, whether you like to saunter, power-walk or stroll. The LUNG FORCE Walk provides critical funds for lifesaving research, early detection initiatives, and awareness outreach to vulnerable communities. Idlewild Park 2055 Idlewild Dr Reno, NV 89509
The American Lung Association is saving lives by improving lung health and preventing lung disease. We were founded 120 years ago by a group of volunteers dedicated to ending the lung health threat at the time: tuberculosis. With TB largely controlled in the United States, we have extended that mission to other respiratory diseases. And thanks to our donors, volunteers, program and event participants, and staff, we are America's trusted source for lung health education, lung disease research, support, programs, services and advocacy.