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Destiny Bound

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community


85-48 253rd StreetBellerose, NY 11426 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Destiny Bound is a non-profit organization committed to empowering families, our primary focus are youths ages 0-24. Our goal is to dismantle multi-generational poverty by pairing tangible goods and innovative services. We thrive to be "Change-Agents" in the community.


Destiny Bound believes every young adult has the ability to succeed in life, they have purpose and destiny.
Our motto is I Am....So declare with me: I am Strong, I am Powerful, I am Invaluable, I am Loved, I am Well-Able, I am Unstoppable, I am Destined to Greatness.........

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/destinyboundinc_/

Every year we present Operation Community Investment- we engage our youth and distribute various resources including book bags, socks, fire extinguishers, and pantry items etc. We need volunteers for this event on August 10th 2024.

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