Cause Area
- Arts & Culture
- Children & Youth
- Computers & Technology
- Education & Literacy
- Environment
PO BOX 61262POTOMAC, MD 20859 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
Our mission is to change science education to encourage more understanding of and respect for the scientific process by all high school graduates, through starting or improving science education in the early grades. We are particularly focusing on those students who do not yet show interest or aptitude in the sciences.
Science is Elemental is committed to supporting high quality, integrated science education for all children, and particularly those who do not yet show interest or aptitude in the sciences. SIE's current and planned programs support the four strategic pillars of the organization: increasing access to science education, bringing science education to where kids are, supporting elementary school teachers in their science instruction, and supporting the ability of others to influence science education decision-making at the local level. SIE's programming includes: developing and delivering integrated science classes that engage students with activities they enjoy such as art, music and sports, building a network of scientists to support elementary school teachers, writing the first of a series of children's books showing what scientists do, developing a website that will act as a clearinghouse for science education opportunities, and developing a companion website that will act as a continuously updated clearinghouse of when and where local boards of education meet.
While our programming has reached students in Silver Spring, MD, Readington, NJ, Laurel, MD, and Baltimore, MD, we are in the process of expanding our efforts. In particular, we will be focusing our efforts to bring integrated science classes to rural communities, and within all areas, focusing on engaging girls with content they will find interesting.