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Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine
  • People with Disabilities
  • Veterans & Military Families


1361 West Euless Blvd. #101Euless, TX 76040 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

OUR MISSION is to maintain a facility that promotes the strengthening of the mind and body through exercise and education for the neurologically impaired individual and others who can benefit from using our specialized equipment.


Neuro Fitness Foundation (NFF) provides an accessible facility that meets the needs of persons with neurological conditions and is the only adaptive fitness gym of its kind serving North Texas/Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) Metroplex. Our members have each experienced life-changing events: stroke, disease, or accident. NFF helps people with special neurological challenges maintain health, fitness, and independence.

  • We are on our 27th year of operations.
  • We serve all people in the DFW Metroplex, and some come from different cities and states.
  • We have served more than 1000 clients over the years; currently have 100+ of whom attend regularly.
  • Local doctors, hospitals and rehabilitation facilities are well aware of our facility and its services as we have been the recipients of awards and monetary donations from them.
  • The NFF Gym is spacious and functional, with easy access for walkers, wheelchairs, power chairs - and caretakers. We have a wide range of adaptive exercise equipment to help members achieve their fitness goals.
  • We are proud to have been selected as the 2017 Circle of Care Facility by Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation.


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