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ACEing Autism- North Charlotte

Cause Area

  • Children & Youth
  • Community
  • People with Disabilities
  • Sports & Recreation


11030 Tavernay PkwyCharlotte, NC 28262 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

We are a volunteer-driven non-profit organization dedicated to helping children with autism grow through the sport of tennis. ACEing Autism is on a mission for children with autism to grow, develop and benefit from social connections and fitness through affordable tennis programming, uniquely serving individual needs while filling a national void for this growing and worthy population. **above information from ACEingAutism.org


ACEing Autism aims to be the preeminent thought leader on how tennis and sport develops children with autism spectrum disorder by reaching 50% of the 1M+ families in the autism community and helping them become aware of ACEing Autism and impact a greater percentage of the population reached with ACEing’s unique programming.

**above information from ACEingAutism.org


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