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Speak Your Mind

Cause Area

  • Advocacy & Human Rights
  • Community
  • Health & Medicine


2652 marion rd nwutica, OH 43080 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Speak Your Mind empowers men to connect, heal, have fun, and thrive within their communities.


Speak your mind is a purpose-over-profit organization striving to build an informed, loving, global community that supports the elevation of men who suffer in silence. We envision a world where stigmas around men’s strength no longer implies emotional suppression. We envision a world where men discussing their feelings and amplifying each other’s voice is the norm, and not a subculture. We are here to raise awareness and build community around what IS healthy, normal, and redefine what it means to be strong, which is for men to take the time they need to digest difficult stimuli in life and then SPEAK UP about how they are feeling.

We accomplish our goals through hosting men's movement, outdoor, and connection groups when men can have fun and be real together. This is how we empower men to grow.


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