Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- Community
- Disaster Relief
- Emergency & Safety
- Veterans & Military Families
695 RANCH RDTARPON SPGS, FL 34688 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
FOCCS - To help, support and raise funds on behalf of the Clearwater Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, Air Auxiliary unit. CAP - Supporting America's communities with emergency response, diverse aviation and ground services, youth development, and promotion of air, space and cyber power."
As a non-profit organization, our mission is to raise funds for and on behalf of Clearwater Composite Squadron (The United States Air Force Auxiliary). Clearwater Composite Squadron is one of the 60 Squadrons located in the state of Florida, and the is the largest, with a contingent of 73 Cadets (aged 12-21) and 32 adults. The Squadron has a heavy emphasis on community service and disaster relief, having contributed over 700 main-hours in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in 2022, providing FEMA with tens of thousands of images. They are the only Squadron in Civil Air Patrol to have been invited to attend the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, which is being hosted in June 2024. The Squadron's color guard will perform on the parade and wreath-laying ceremony to honor those who lost their lives for the freedom of others. The Squadron does not receive any funding from National Headquarters. All staff members are volunteers, who dedicate their time to support the young men & women who attend the meetings. CAP meetings are held weekly, however being a Cadet goes further than this, with many Cadets' volunteering their time to support local events, including VFW honor flights.