Mar 19
Jun 30
12:01 AM
11:59 PM
Novato, CA 94949
Help students attain grade level reading and math in 2nd-5th grade! Students who are not at grade level by thrid grade are much less likely to graduate from high school.We are looking for Math and Reading tutors for our interventional programs at Hamilton School. We are in need of tutors interested for the 2024/25 school year. Please read the description of our program below. We are only limited by the number of tutors that can volunteer on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning! The Programs: RISE Scholars, Incorporated provides two Interventional Tutoring Programs for elementary grade students at the Hamilton Meadow Park School in Novato: RISE in Reading (RIR) and RISE in Math (RIM).We pull the students out of class once a week for 45-minute sessions in a dedicated Clinic on campus. Each student works with a trained volunteer: 1:1 for RIR and 1:2 for RIM. The tutor guides their student/s through a customized and proven curriculum, based on Common Core Standards. The reading curriculum is specialized, hands-on and phonics based. The math curriculum is delivered through a popular online program called IXL. Both curriculums move the student step-by-step through sequenced skills, to find and fill in the holes in their learning. Tutors work alongside, giving encouragement, and direct instruction. The Results: 92% of students advance to grade level, and 100% advance at least 1.5 grade levels, while they ALL become more confident, engaged and independent learners. The Tutoring Commitment: Two hours one morning a week during the school calendar year. 2-3 hours of initial training. The Reward: We train and support our tutors so that they're given the tools they need to deliver effective help to their assigned student/s. Every session, our tutors see student progress, and feel the difference they are making. If you are interested, please email us at info@riseforthekids.org and we will contact you!
Date Posted: Nov 25, 2024
Mar 19
Mar 19
12:01 AM
11:59 PM
Novato, CA 94949
Mentor Hamilton is a program specific to Hamilton School and sponsored by Novato Unified School District. The program matches Hamilton students with a caring adult from the community that comes alongside them and is a source of support and encouragement in their life. Their role is not academic. Through weekly meetings on campus, the mentors develop a caring relationship with their mentee that encourages them to be the best version of themselves. The hope is that the mentors will create a strong bond with their mentee while at Hamilton and then will stay with them through high school and into a college or career. Students value and enjoy their mentor relationship. The program has grown substantially since its beginning in 2015. Over 150 students have been matched with a trained and screened Mentor. These mentorships meet at least once a week in the Hamilton School Mentor Center. The program has been very successful. However, the demand for Mentors always exceeds the list of students interested in being in the program. According to MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership, children at risk who had a mentor were: 55% more likely to graduate from college and enroll in college; 52% less likely to skip school; 37% less likely to skip class; and 130% more likely to hold leadership positions. Youth who had a mentor also showed a better attitude towards school. Regular meetings between mentor and student saw that youth were: 46% less likely to use drugs; 27% less likely to drink; and 81% more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. The Mentor program at Hamilton school is in its 10th year. There has been a huge shift in the student body. With over 120 students (one-fifth of the school at the height of the program) mentoring weekly, Hamilton students feel heard, loved, and more confident. They are more engaged in their studies and are trying new things. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please contact us at info@riseforthekids.org or complete the interest form on our website: https://www.riseforthekids.org/take-action-volunteer Thank you! RISE Scholars, Inc.
Date Posted: Nov 25, 2024
Jul 1
Jul 31
08:45 AM
11:15 AM
Novato, CA 94949
SummerHawks is a 5 week academic program for Hamilton students in 2nd-8th grade designed to ignite a love for learning and accelerate a child's academic success in a fun and challenging environment. The program will run July 1st-August 2nd, 2024. We are looking for caring adults to be tutors/coaches in the RISE interventional math and reading programs from 9am-11:30pm.It is an incredible opportunity to make a difference in the education of Hamilton students. The best candidates would be those that could work one to three days a week in the morning over the 5 weeks. Please connect with Luna Katai at luna@riseforthekids.org if you are interested.
Date Posted: Nov 25, 2024
Jan 7
May 14
03:00 PM
03:30 PM
Novato, CA 94949
Math Academy is an afterschool math program for students in grades 5-8 at Hamilton School. We use an online platform called IXL, which assesses each student's current skill level and provides personalized practice to help them advance in math. Our students are at varying levels, regardless of their grade, so each student requires different types of support. We are seeking dedicated tutors who have a growth mindset and enjoy working with students to teach math. Our sessions are held twice a week: Tuesdays from 2:00-3:30 PM and Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30 PM on the Hamilton campus. All volunteers will receive training on the IXL platform, so you'll be fully prepared to support students before you begin tutoring. If you are interested or have any questions, please email luna@riseforthekids.org
Date Posted: Nov 26, 2024