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Interfaith Caregivers of Washington County

Cause Area

  • Seniors


2374A W. WASHINGTON ST.PO BOX 1143West Bend, WI 53095 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

Improving lives by connecting seniors with caring volunteers.


Program services are provided through an extensive volunteer network - coordinated and mobilized by Interfaith staff.

Project Activities:

Volunteer Transportation - Door thru door ambulatory/non-ambulatory transport in a volunteer or agency vehicle to destinations in and out of county. Volunteers escort their senior clients to their destinations and stay with them. The fleet currently includes 10 accessible vehicles strategically located throughout the county.

Inside/Outside Assistance - Provided through our network of individual volunteers and/or groups (Kindness Crews) to aid with tasks inside/outside of the home that become more difficult with age. Task examples include spring/fall yard clean-up, light housekeeping, meal delivery, lawn mowing, snow shoveling, etc.

Companionship/Interfaith Canine Visits/Kindness Calls - These program activities match a senior client with a volunteer, or volunteer with their therapy dog, for ongoing companionship visits. During Covid, Kindness Call phone visits were introduced and continue to be the preferred method of visit for some seniors and volunteers.

h.e.l.p. Corner (health equipment lending program) - short, long or indefinite loans of essential durable medical equipment, including wheelchairs, walkers, and other non-motorized adaptive equipment. This program operates a store in both West Bend and Hartford for easy access throughout the county.


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