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Cause Area

  • Animals


3915 HELEN AVELAS VEGAS, NV 89130 United States

Organization Information

Mission Statement

The Poppy Foundation rescues and cares for special needs, chronically ill, unadoptable and abandoned cats and provides them a shelter and a place to live for the rest of their lives.


The Poppy Foundation provides a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages and different interests to volunteer at our purpose driven foundation. Here's a little more about our work and needs. Poppy cats will live the remainder of their lives in our care. We receive no government funding and depend solely on charitable donations, including the time of our volunteers. Our organization is run entirely by volunteers who generously provide our cats with care and love, including to feed, clean and provide our kitties with lots of love. We have cats that may be adoptable and volunteers are needed to get them ready for a home of their own. We hope you'll join us in our mission.


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