SENDCAA - Self Sufficiency
Cause Area
- Advocacy & Human Rights
- Homeless & Housing
- Hunger
- Seniors
- Veterans & Military Families
3233 South University DriveFargo, ND 58104 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
To provide a range of services and activities designed to alleviate poverty and give low-income people the opportunity to improve their standard of living and achieve self-sufficiency.
The Self Sufficiency program is comprised of a variety of services all designed to improve the standard of living and help promote the self-sufficiency of low-income individuals. Programs include: Housing Counceling, Rent and Security Deposit Assistance, Renter Empowerment Class, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Utility Assistance, Supportive Services for Veterans Families, Ryan White/HOPWA, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Career Coaching, and Whole Family Coaching.
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