Cause Area
- Children & Youth
- People with Disabilities
- Seniors
- Sports & Recreation
- Veterans & Military Families
440 Rupp Hill Road5600 Plainview Road, Suite BHARRISBURG, PA 17111 United StatesWebsite:
Organization Information
Mission Statement
A BOUNCE FORWARD serves Central Pennsylvanians faced with emergent needs. We offer helping hands to individuals, teams, groups, small businesses, and charities through partnerships in fund-raising and grants. We seek a positive difference in our local communities with a focus on service to: Community, Disability, Children & Youth, Seniors, Veterans, and Animals.
501(c)(3) Public Nonprofit
We haven’t done enough yet, we have only paid for: the complete funeral expenses for a fallen firefighter, raised thousands of dollars for a fire company; provided Thanksgiving Day Dinner for local police officers, Veterans, Seniors, Disabled, and people who would have been alone, children’s school lunches and clothing; support for families with their child’s IEP; educational tools; uniforms to participate in sports; Senior resources for care, companionship, and meals; coordinated and provided transportation to cancer treatments and other medical needs for people without family; swimming lessons for a child with Down syndrome; horse therapy event for children with disabilities and their families; sent a class of special needs to the circus, and supported our local police, K-9 unit, Keystone Wounded Warriors, Cops for K.O.P.S, and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation.